Sunday, June 20, 2010

I will see you tomorrow at 10 at IMK, I will see you at 22:45 at Postdamer Platz, we need to be at the Wollankstrasse train at 8:30

“There will always be something wrong, no matter what”

The only way I could start this is by dividing this blog in two. So, for our first part I will start talking about our visits and then finally I’ll close with the perceptions of IMK students and then a short summary.


The visits were very interesting, by all means. Wall takes all the credit. Since the narrative of the presentation to the final conclusion it keeps the attention going.
Off course this doesn’t mean that the rest were not good, they were incredible, the thing is that there will be someone better (in my opinion). The sound branding presentation also opened my eyes and left me wanting to go again and again. These two visits take the best spots.
But what happened to the rest?
Nothing, they were good, McCann Erickson was good, very professional and the ambient very quiet, good job with the Lufthansa account, well centered. The N24, is a new broadcaster, yes, very friendly, but the presentation wasn’t that outstanding, I have to accept it, I was fighting with myself to not fall asleep, after the chat, walk around the building, see the digital studio and the reporters and that was it. Really? Something was missing, they are a TV broadcaster for god sakes shake us up Lets go on to Mercedes-Benz visit, well, I was personally very eager for this one (I mean come on!), the building was impressive, the whole museum/bar/dealership/offices was an eye catcher but (yes there is a but), the “girl” that took care of us, was lacking something, wanna guess? Knowledge! She knew the company, the history of the company, but we, as marketing and communication sensei (yes, I said sensei = master in some art, according to an FIU professor), we were eager to hear about their treaties and agreements with the competitors, like the Ferrari/Porsche/Bmw/Mercedes-Benz/Bugatti treaty no information. How do they really deal with the competition? How do they channel their life loyal customers to keep there? Why was there the need to open an A class division when they are all about luxury and comfort? Why buy the smart prototype and then commercialize it (and please don’t tell me this was there answer to Bmw-Mini acquisition). What happened to he brand? I mean yes, I loved the tour of the building, gave myself an eye banquet looking at the models, which she wasn’t that well informed of (how can you say a double intake system is a bolt compartment), anyway, thank you very much Mercedes-Benz for the visit.

Overall, we did learn something new in each visit and I truly know that not everybody has the luck and possibility to see what I have seen here.

Now, let me take a deep breath

IMK students; in my personal experience (because we all had different ones and I understand the different perspectives), I had an outstanding time with them. For starters I was lucky enough to have all my teammates females hard working, very nice girls that were always there waiting to see if I need it something or if they could help with anything and even they were very eager to learn different points of view from and exchange student. So, overall my teammates, hugs and kisses to all of them, they performed in an excellent way and thank you really.
As for the rest of IMK, you guys rock made incredible relations, we have gorgeous memories and thank you also FIU for this opportunity (god I sound like a beauty peagent winner).

Anyway, we also learned not to let ourselves get played by the fact the some of the students (none of my teammates) take advantage that we are here and literally don’t do anything, but this is all part of the experience.

Overall, this whole abroad exchange program was incredible, they should apply it the other way around, Berlin students go to Miami and I am telling you more or less how things will end. Jajajajajajajaja

But, to wrap it up, the whole mix, even though we had little time in comparison, the whole, sleep short times (that didn’t apply to me), run to catch a train, a bus or just waking up early, showed us a whole new perspective. Friday presentations, where we had 7 days to prepare, in which those 7 days turned in to 4, then 3 then 2 and that was it, plus our personal FIU presentations and personal projects, plus sight visiting and additionally to that find the time to party, it was a non-stop race against time (poor us jajajajajajajajaja).

The final result (and again I emphasis, my personal view), it was a tremendous tempo jejejejejejejeje.

As always,
The blogger of your hearts and souls,
Hugs and kisses,


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